
Do you need more information? Contact us!

    Contact the office

    ERKADO Sp. z o.o.

    Gościeradów – Folwark
    Osiedle POM 8
    23-275 Gościeradów

    KRS 0000764918
    TAX ID PL7151942790
    REGON 382175893

    +48 15 838 10 57 fax. +48 15 838 18 84


    Sales Department (B2B): 208
    Human Resources and Payroll: 205
    Accounting: 225
    Logistics: 214
    Marketing and advertising: 229
    Complaints: 206
    IT Department: 228
    Export Department: 342

    Interior and exterior steel doors

    Gościeradów – Folwark
    Osiedle POM 8
    23-275 Gościeradów

    +48 15 838 10 57 fax. +48 15 838 18 84

    Wooden doors

    Chwałowice 156
    37-455 Radomyśl nad Sanem

    +48 15 845 33 88

    Export Department

    Export Director, languages: English, Russian

    Radosław Bartochowski

    +48 532 106 922

    Export Manager, English language

    Tomasz Robak

    +48 880 577 815 +48 15 838 10 57 ext. 342

    Export Department, English language

    Aneta Lodowska

    +48 665 610 250 +48 15 838 10 57 ext. 343

    Export Department, Russian language

    Ewelina Mroczek

    +48 539 775 423 +48 15 838 10 57 ext. 341

    Export Department, English language

    Ilona Fila

    +48 665 610 250 +48 15 838 10 57 ext. 340

    Export Department, English language

    Katarzyna Kustra

    +48 665 610 250 +48 15 838 10 57 ext. 347

    Export Department, French language

    Anna Motyka

    +48 532 803 390 +48 15 838 10 57 ext. 346