About us

Erkado locations

  • ikona goscieradow


    Head office, production of internal doors (frame, panel, lacquered, entrance intra-frame) and door frames and steel doors.

  • ikona radom


    Production of exterior and interior wooden doors.

  • ikona chwalowice


    Production of internal doors and door frames.

The people who created Erkado

  • zbigniew kozlowski Owner, Chairman of the Management Board

    Zbigniew Kozłowski

    He has been involved in the carpentry industry all his life, writing another page in the history of the family tradition. Undoubtedly, he is an unrivalled Authority and Leader in the practical application of knowledge about doors and the broadly understood joinery.

    A man with vision! Bravely develops the company, personally overseeing the investments made.

    A person with a charismatic personality, surrounded by a group of friends, colleagues and business partners, locally and globally. Always warm and sensitive, he equates the good and success of the Company with respect for the employee and his needs.

    He says of himself: ‘Manufacturing doors is my mission in life and not a business’. This is true.

  • mateusz kozlowski Vice-President, Managing Director

    Mateusz Kozłowski

    He successfully implements his Father’s vision, dynamically and consistently increasing the Company’s potential.

    He is an advocate of innovative solutions, which he designs with a view to improving the offer. He actively supports the improvement of production processes and the implementation of modern methods and systems of work organisation.

    Inspired by passion, he often travels, talks, discovers and acquires invaluable industry knowledge. In the Company’s management strategy, he avoids stagnation, believing that “every goal can be achieved”.

    While demanding from others, he demands the most from himself.

  • andrzej szychowski Sales Director

    Andrzej Szychowski

    He joined the team in 2010, fitting in perfectly with Erkado’s new growth strategy. Since the beginning, he has been consistently building the structure of the Commercial Division, supporting the activities of Distributors and Authorised Points of Sale (APS). Andrzej’s professionalism, knowledge and experience have helped build lasting relationships with Customers.

    His unconventional personality, diligence and commitment mean that even the most difficult tasks are crowned with success and, as he says, “the best is yet to come”. His well-considered and concrete decisions always benefit the wider cooperation.

    A great Coach, Expert and Manager in one person.

  • radoslaw bartochowski Director of Exports

    Radosław Bartochowski

    He successfully negotiates in linguistically and culturally distinct markets using interpersonal skills and scientific knowledge. He communicates fluently in Polish, English, Russian and, as he emphasises, in human language.

    Privately, he holds a PhD in social sciences in the field of political science and has been affiliated with the Rzeszów University of Technology for many years.

    He constantly surprises, impresses with his commitment and enjoys the affection of his customers. His professionalism, iron discipline and cheerful disposition are reflected in Erkado’s expansion and in the fantastic atmosphere of cooperation with foreign partners.

    Radek’s presence in the Erkado team is a great privilege.

Important events

  1. 1976 powstanie pierwszego zakladu produkcyjnego wyrobow drewnianych w chwalowicach


    Establishment of the first wood products manufacturing plant in Chwalowice

  2. 1995 uruchomienie produkcji drzwi wewnetrznych drewnianych


    Start of production of interior wooden doors

  3. 2000 usystematyzowanie produkcji drzwi zewnetrznych drewnianych


    Systematising the production of external wooden doors

  4. 2005 powstanie pierwszego zakladu produkcyjnego wyrobow drewnianych w chwalowicach


    Creation of a second factory in Gościeradów

  5. 2006 rozbudowa zakladu produkcyjnego w goscieradowie


    Expansion of the production facility in Gościeradów

  6. Logo Erkado


    Creation of the ERKADO brand

  7. 2011 jubileusz 35 lecia dzialalnosci


    35th anniversary

  8. 2012 powstanie druzyny kolarskiej erkado racing team


    Formation of the Erkado Racing Team cycling team

  9. 2013 rozbudowa zakladu produkcyjnego o kolejnych 10 000 mkw


    Expansion of the production facility by a further 10,000 sqm

  10. 2013 otwarcie centrum szkoleniowego w goscieradowie


    Opening of the training centre in Gościeradów

  11. 2015 powstanie nowego nowoczesnego budynku biurowego


    Construction of a new, modern office building

  12. 2016 uruchomienie nowej hali dla wydzialu oscieznic
– 4 000 mkw


    Commissioning of a new hall for the doorframe division – 4 000 sqm

  13. 2016 budowa hali produkcyjnej dla wydzialu drzwi plytowych


    Construction of a production hall for the panel doors division

  14. 2020 oddanie nowej hali produkcyjnej drzwi stalowych


    Start of production of painted doors

  15. 2018 budowa nowego magazynu glownego


    Construction of new central warehouse

  16. 2019 rozpoczecie budowy nowej hali do produkcji drzwi stalowych


    Start of construction of new steel door production hall

  17. 2020 inwestycja w radomiu


    Investment in Radom

  18. 2020 oddanie nowej hali produkcyjnej drzwi stalowych


    Commissioning of the new steel door production hall

  19. 2021 oddanie czesci biurowo administracyjnej drzwi stalowych w goscieradowie


    Commissioning of the office and administration part of the steel door plant in Gościeradów

  20. 2021 oddanie nowoczesnego budynku biurowego w chwalowicach


    Completion of a modern office building in Chwalowice

  21. 2021 uroczyste otwarcie hali produkcyjnej drzwi stalowych


    Festive opening of the steel door production hall

  22. 2021 rozpoczecie budowy nowej hali magazynowej


    Start of construction of new warehouse

  23. mateusz kozlowski dyrektor zarzadzajacy erkado e1687520300235


    Installation of three photovoltaic farms with a total capacity of 2.7 MW

  24. 2021 12 02 12.58.40 scaled e1687519999470


    Start of door production in Radom

You can trust us!

What makes us different?

  • innowacje


    The latest technologies available on the market

  • europejski design

    European design

    Modern design and the latest trends

  • 45 lat doswiadczenia

    45 years of experience

    Our craft traditions date back to 3 generations

  • globalny zasieg 1

    Global reach

    We export our doors to 17 countries around the world